227 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
12-Mar-2013 12:57 Game of Thrones Medieval Europe 7 Loss 12 984
06-Mar-2013 22:26 ATA Atomic Transporters 12 Loss 14 996
04-Feb-2013 00:15 Hammer Time! Antastic! 16 Loss 8 1010
29-Oct-2012 00:43 Many Titans, Two Gods! gods of the Titans 12 Loss 13 1018
21-Oct-2012 21:21 Europe Blind 12 MAN ! SIGN IN Europe 1560 12 Loss 10 1031
22-Sep-2012 13:36 OUHLALA Medieval Europe 7 Loss 25 1041
20-Sep-2012 11:40 Steel City Steel City 5 Win 96 1066
05-Sep-2012 14:02 etherh Africa 7 Loss 30 970
Initial Score1000
High score: 1066 / Low score: 970 / Longest Win Streak: 1